Alexa, play “I’m That Girl…”

I’m on a journey to becoming “That girl”.

You know—the woman you see who just has her stuff together. She’s connected to God, is about her bag, takes care of her mental health, AND looks good!

On some days when I’ve barely gotten sleep because of nursing my toddler all night; or when I’m fresh out of an argument with my husband—the LAST thing I feel is confident, beautiful, and happy.

But here’s what I’ve learned: The difference between the “it” girl and those living a mediocre life isn’t luck; it’s consistency.

It’s her moving toward her goals, purpose, as well as that which brings her joy—EVERY DAY.

It’s not that she doesn’t also have setbacks or doesn’t also have heavy cramping days where ice-cream and Netflix-binging are in order. It’s that she has her moments and then she’s back on her “grind”.

Except the woman I am becoming does not operate from gritting her teeth. She is not fueled by hustle.

She prefers things like frolicking and rest—things like deep thoughts and following her passion.

Call me bougie but I have the audacity to believe that I am worthy of a kind life—one that feels soft, healthy, and vibrant.

That doesn’t mean I won’t experience days that suck. Hard days are inevitable. But it does mean that when a new day begins, I get to start afresh.

One step, one choice, and one kind action at a time.

You see, dear friend, you don’t just wake up to an amazing life where everything is going your way. You build toward it—brick by brick.

The building blocks of that life can look like this:

  1. Monday night therapy sessions addressing your trauma

  2. Saying affirmations as part of your morning routine when you brush your teeth

  3. Meal-prepping your weekday lunches so you’re eating healthy, homemade food

  4. Putting the extra effort into what you wear for the day even if you work from home.

  5. Joining a workout accountability group to motivate you to workout daily.

You fill in the blank.

The bottom line is that we get to choose what our calendars look like—good or bad. But if you, like me, want to become the best version of yourself, it will only happen as the culmination of consistent, small steps in that direction.

And plot twist: the moment you set your intention on putting in the work, you already are her—because your actions today are the foundation from which she will emerge!


Go to a quiet room, take out a pen a paper, and then close your eyes.

Now ask yourself: “When I imagine ‘That Girl’, what does she look like? What does she like to do with her time? Where does she hang out and with what kind of people does she surround herself?”

Lastly, open your eyes and write what you saw.

You just got your blueprint.

—NL <3



**CLICK HERE TO WATCH** or read them out loud below.

  • I am that girl.

  • I take care of my physical, mental, and spiritual health daily.

  • I love what I do and I only do what I love

  • I don’t waste time on things that don’t bring life

  • I am intentional about everything

  • I rest when I need to and work hard when the situation calls for it

  • I’m not afraid to build the life I want

  • I am happy, confident, beautiful and free.

  • I choose me.


Self-Love for the Beginner