Moving Kind™
The Monthly Fitness Accountability Group you didn’t know you needed!
Sis, it’s time to get serious about your fitness journey.
Join the virtual sisterhood that motivates you to workout daily, be kind to your body, and get in shape!
How it Works
Choose Your Exercise:
You decide what TYPE of exercise you do (ie, walking, gym, dancing, yoga, etc.) based on your fitness goals.
Check In Daily:
Once you’ve completed your workout for the day, check-in in the private MIGHTY Networks Group.
Make Money:
For each 7-day period that you exercise daily, you will receive $5 back! Also, if anyone fails to workout for more than (2) days in a row*, they owe everyone in their group a dollar.
It’s simple: Workout every day and check-in when you do!
What Others are Saying
"This is the most amount of days that I've intentionally excercised / moved since the start of 2023."
Sandy V.
"This journey has helped me a lot!! I used to have knee pain, acid reflux and high blood pressure. All 3 have disappeared and I no longer have to take blood pressure medication."
Jennie L.
"So grateful to be a part of the moving kind accountability group. With the support of the group, I’ve lost over 30 lbs and hit pre-baby weight for the second time since having my son. There were countless times when I didn’t feel like being kind and taking care of myself but the accountability from the group gave me that extra push needed to prioritize me."
May G.
What You Need to Know
The purpose of this group is to provide daily motivation to encourage you to get moving. But ultimately, you’ll only get out of this group what you put in.
Rules, Stipulations + Guidelines
The MINIMUM amount of time you must move/exercise every day is 20 minutes.
You can do whatever you want for your exercise—be it running, swimming, dancing, yoga, etc.
That said, the movement must be INTENTIONAL.
You must check into the MIGHTY Networks Group every day—whether you workout or not.
We use an honor system. Meaning, we are trusting that you will only say what you actually do and won’t lie about working out.
You cannot go more than two (2) days without exercising, otherwise you owe everyone in the group a dollar. (Exceptions only made in extreme situations where working out would be unkind such as illness, injury, family emergencies, etc.)
For every 7-day period that you work out every day, you will be given $5 up to the max amount of the cost of your membership for that month.
“Simple, consistent, KIND movement wins every time.”
- Naida Lynn