3 Hacks to Stay Sane During Transition
#STORYTIME | I have experienced an unusually high amount of change in a short amount of time.😅
In the span of 3 years, I went from being super single—living in South Florida in my childhood home—to married, a mother, and living in Alabama.
Those visible changes don’t begin to scratch the surface of the less publicized yet pivotal changes I also experienced. (e.g. a move to Atlanta, buying a house, career transitions, deconstruction…)
Life has been a whirlwind. Yet in spite of this, I have continued to feel deeply grounded in who I am, my purpose, and the legacy I want to leave.
As I push my daughter in this stroller, I’m reminded of some simple practices that carried me through these major transitions.
#1 I look up.
Always up, always finding myself in the Father. Year 2020 shook the foundations of my faith in ways I didn’t think possible. But the one thing—one PERSON—that kept me was Christ. 🥹 I have questioned a lot and doubted so much. But every time I see those Eyes, a calm envelops me. I did not fall apart because He held me.
#2 Therapy.
Shout out to my therapist, because Mrs. Ma’am, you have heard it ALL! 🤣🤣 Having a safe, consistent, methodical yet faith-informed place to process my story helped me remain integrated through all of life’s dichotomies! Which is a fancy way to say therapy kept me sane. 🤪—> 😌🙏🏽🤍.
#3 Choosing Kindness
If you’ve been around me long enough, you’ve probably heard me talk about this concept and/or the coaching company I started called My Kindest Life. And it’s literally because choosing to do the next kindest thing (regardless of what life threw at me) really helped me to never lose myself.
You see, I can’t control what happens in this world. I can’t control what other people do, nor can I control major pandemics from rocking the foundations of society. But I CAN choose to use the variables in my possession to be kind to myself.
To rest when I need it. To say no to overextending myself—fueling my body with healthy meals and daily exercise, etc.
Kindness is so much more than warm fuzzies. It’s a way of life rooted in the belief that you’re worthy of love—worthy of good things that energize + not drain you.
So that’s what I do—in mothering a spirited toddler to navigating the ‘Wild Wild West’ of Marriage! 😅
I take one step at a time. One choice to remember who God has made me, why I’m here, and what matters most in life—especially in seasons of transition. I am kind to me.
And dear friend, you are worthy of doing the same. 😌🙏🏽💕